Oral Steroid Side Effects During Cycle
toxic oral steroid side effects on the body often manifested with prolonged use
of very high doses (3-4 g per week or more) with oral abuse, alkylated in
position 17 alpha, agents such as methandienone, methyltestosterone,
oxymetholone, and congenital or acquired intolerance of this group of
preparations. Nevertheless, when receiving androgen, anabolic steroids can
occur undesirable side effects. Side should be considered all the effects that
arise when taking steroids, other than direct oral steroid side effects on
skeletal muscles.
The main Oral Steroids Effects are:
symptoms of virilization such as acne (acne), which in some cases can be
corrected package of measures, which include the exclusion of simple
carbohydrates from the diet, hygiene measures of prevention and treatment,
receiving-type preparations isotretinoin and other retinoid, as well as
immunoglobulin UV exposure. Hirsutism is manifested as increased hair growth on
the face and body, both in men and women. Sometimes pathological boundaries
reach gain (reversible) libido (sex drive) in both sexes. Women may occur
irreversible deepening of voice and clitoral hypertrophy. The use of anabolic
steroids by young people who have not reached full biological maturity leads to
accelerated puberty and early closure of growth zones of long bones.
of fat deposition in the form of strengthening and development of gynecomastia
in men develops in the presence of functional liver failure and long-term use
of high doses of different esters of testosterone and other preparations
subject to easy flavoring process. Therapeutic measures to combat this side
effect, especially against the background of the ongoing steroids, consisting
in carrying out anti-estrogen therapy or taking preparations, sometimes fraught
with serious complications.
using high or medium doses of anabolic steroids in susceptible persons, as well
as with increased sodium intake, may cause edema and hypertension. If these oral
steroid side effects are not adjusted decrease sodium intake and taking
diuretics herbal, the dosage of steroids is necessary to reduce or even stop
taking preparations.
17-alpha alkylated steroids, which have repeatedly mentioned, potentially
hepatotoxic, it's only tolerated each specific person dosages. All other
steroids, though not possess reasonable dosages for liver toxicity but their
anabolic effect on the liver leads to hepatic cell wall thickening. Clinically
it is manifested the weight in the right hypochondrium, enlargement of the
liver, and at a significant expression - loss of appetite, weakness, bitterness
in the mouth, nausea and jaundice. After cessation of treatment, these oral
steroid side effects often disappear within two to three weeks. The only
auxiliary hepatotoxic therapy when receiving androgen-anabolic steroids may be
the use of decoctions and infusions of wild rose, immortelle, corn silk, in
addition - the use of one or two bottles of degassed alkaline mineral water.
Additional Oral Steroid Side Effects
of endogenous secretion of gonadotropins and androgens, as well as suppression
of spermatogenesis occurs after 3-5 weeks of androgen administration in a
dosage equivalent to 250 mg of testosterone per week. After the abolition of
preparations all the mechanisms of hormonal regulation naturally replenished
after 8-15 weeks. Popular Now use of gonadotropin interfere in the hormonal
regulation of processes at a higher level and disturbs the natural process of
restoring the normal hormonal levels. The use of this preparation is highly
undesirable, and with a great deal of doubt may be justified by the athletes,
who want to minimize the loss of muscle mass in a short 3-5 week break between
cycles prima steroids.
the distributed media opinion, androgenic-anabolic steroids have no
carcinogenic, provoking cancer, effect. However, androgens stimulate the growth
of existing cancer prostate and mammary glands in males.
use of high doses of steroids, especially oxymetholone, leads to a marked
suppression of the immune system and weaken the strength of the connective
tissue structures - ligament-tendon unit and the internal 'skeleton' of muscle
tissue. Occurring in parallel with the growth of the muscular apparatus of the
power capacity can lead to injury.
use of high doses of androgens leads to irreversible loss of hair on the head,
especially in predisposed individuals, regardless of gender and age.